Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Senior Leadership Team

Responsible Office
Alcohol and Other Drugs Campus Education and Services Office (ACES)


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Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

SLT 5.1

  1. Policy
  2. Policy Statement


Grand Valley State University strives to provide a healthy University community free of the abuse of alcohol or other drugs and illegal or unauthorized use of alcohol and controlled substances. This commitment to students, faculty, and staff is evidenced by the:

  • Publication of standards of conduct and University policies
  • Provision of alcohol and other drug abuse prevention programs
  • Availability of counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation resources
  • Enforcement of applicable University policies
  • Enforcement of federal and state laws and local ordinances that govern alcohol and other drug use (including underage drinking, hosting, and furnishing laws)
  • Promotion of an environment that supports healthy choices

The unlawful manufacture, possession, use, distribution or dispensation of illicit or prescription drugs and the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by faculty, staff, and students on University-controlled property or as part of University activities is prohibited. This prohibition includes Marijuana as federal law bans it from University owned and controlled property and workplaces. All  University employees will, as a condition of employment, abide by the terms of this policy. Faculty, staff, and students are responsible for making decisions within the context of University policies and federal, state, and local laws related to alcohol and other drugs.

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy Handbook (r8ny.whtmy.com/aces) includes information about University drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs; health risks; counseling, treatment and rehabilitation resources; legal sanctions and summary of laws; University employee and student sanctions for violations of alcohol and other drug policies; employee notification obligations; requirements for Federal grant recipients; and links to additional University policies, procedures, and resources.

Policy Statement

This policy and the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy Handbook will be electronically distributed annually to all faculty, staff, and students. The coordinator of the ACES (Alcohol & Other Drugs Campus Education and Services) Office will conduct the required review, no less than biennially, in even-numbered years.