Tim O'Dea '19
Enjoying all the festivities of Welcome Week or being able to attend the final Toast with T. Haas!
Explore Options: A Menu of Major-Specific Experiences and Sampling of Related Career Paths
Explore our Ad and PR resources, designed to support your academic aspirations.
Advertising and Public Relations Department
What Can I Do With This Major?
Feeling like you don't know what to do with all of this great information? We highly encourage to make an appointment with your academic advisor and career advisor. Another great starting point is the Self-Guided Career Exploration Tool.
Unlock your career potential in Advertising and Public Relations! Discover resources to maximize your professional trajectory.
Sample Ad/PR Internship Sites
Internships provide a way for you to get hands-on, supervised experience in the world of work. You are able to apply the concepts you are learning in the classroom to a work environment.
Join A Student Organization
Get involved with a student organization related to your major. Student orgs are a great way to get connected and explore career options!
Relevant Courses and Certificates for Building Skills
Developing the relevant skills that employers seek is an essential component of a student's education. GVSU students should consider strategic elective courses and certificates to pair with their major in order to gain additional skills.
Community Service Opportunities
Seek volunteer opportunities related to the field you're exploring as a way of testing out future careers.
The Civic Engagement Center keeps a list of current volunteer opportunities updated on their website. There are ongoing opportunities on a continuous basis, as well as on-campus and off-campus opportunities posted as they become available.
Civic Engagement Center
Ad/PR Study Abroad Options
Through study abroad you’ll also set yourself apart from other job-seekers and graduate-school applicants in an increasingly competitive market.
Expand your knowledge of advertising and public relations on a global scale by participating in a study abroad experience. You will gain unique skills and learn about diverse perspectives that will serve you as you move into your career.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Pursuing academic, creative, and research experiences and projects outside the classroom is an excellent way to learn new skills and build a body of work in your field.
Fellowship Opportunities
Fellowships are high-impact, potentially life-changing opportunities for students and alumni, opening doors to careers in public service, advanced academic study, foreign service, international teaching, and other career and service pathways into meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Enjoying all the festivities of Welcome Week or being able to attend the final Toast with T. Haas!
I loved my time working at the GVSU Alumni Relations Office as a student communications assistant. I had a great time facilitating the alumni events and bugging the student graphic designer, who remains one of my closest friends.
In my 2nd year on campus I took a job with GV Public Safety. Working with DPS introduced me to the world of policing. I soon after found myself changing my major and starting down a new career path.
March 23, 2025 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
All Grand Valley students and alumni are invited to attend a GVSU/JCPenney Suit-Up Event! This event will include options to participate virtually or in-person. In-person: Come to JCPenney at RiverTown...
March 24, 2025 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Stop by before, after, or even during classes from 11:30am-3:30pm on Monday, March 24, 2025 in the Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall (105E DeVos Center) to chat to local managers from a variety of hospitality...
March 25, 2025 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Careers in Communication & The Arts allows students to learn more about career opportunities in communications, journalism, writing, film and video, and related sectors. Students will network with...
Consider joining the Communication and the Arts Career Community or any other Career Community you are interested in!
Students with an Ad/PR degree may continue on to a graduate program. Here are some examples of programs students have pursued: